This page was started on 1/22/2024.

White text on a black background, reading: ""My God, it's full of" followed by a chaotic mess of symbols and text, with the word, "Everything" faintly visible. A configuration of irregular black and white shapes. Two squares, like eyes, occasionally fade from green to a light purple. Nothing but an unassuming mass of random pixels in a variety of colours. A picture of the Google homepage, with a variety of snippets from articles and websites pasted over it. Notable connections include the Internet, error messages, being remembered and/or forgotten, and paradoxes. Increasingly squished black-on-white text, reading, in alternating lines: "There's someone behind you." and "There's no-one behind you!" Dimly coloured repetitive shapes on a white background. In the upper center is what looks like a rudimentary drawing of a face, with the area where the mouth would be crossed out. One line next to it has protrusions, suggesting a hand with three fingers. A stretched, garbled mess, sporting bright colours and repeating textures. An unknown pattern seems to stretch on in the center. A circular shape, with triangular protrusions and swirls of random colour around it. A variety of concentric shapes in varying shades of red, with outer shapes in black, white, and cyan above. Inside the shape is what appears to be a second, smaller representation of itself. A screenshot of a Windows 10 desktop with MS Paint open. Another screenshot of the same scene is displayed in the lower-right, and on the Paint canvas is an erratic image seemingly composed of highly edited screenshots of the MS Paint UI. In one clearer section of this sub-image, the canvas can be seen, containing a photo of the canvas, and so on. A textured surface, resembling coarse fabric, with rectangular shapes, chiefly bright white, on the left, darker, thinner shapes in the middle, and irregular dark circular spots on the right. A picture of a page from a tearaway calendar, with a magnet affixing it to a metallic surface. The page, for Friday, March 3rd, 2024, reads: 'ephemeral', /i-ˈfem-rəl, i-ˈfe-mə-rəl/, adj: lasting a very short time. The young pop star's fame turned out to be ephemeral. This text is followed by the words 'Did you know?', with an right-facing arrow after them, indicating something, unseen, on the backside of the page. A heavily warped copy of the photo "Lunch atop a Skyscraper", featuring several men sitting on a steel beam above New York City. Distortions include repeating white lines near the lower edge of the image, a repeating background, and ghostly images of the men overlapping each other, making them increasingly hard to see further to the left. A photo of a city block, with a signpost near the middle, and slight glitch effects around the left and right. The signs hanging from the signpost, as well as another sign in the background, are overlaid with multiple images of the same types of signs. A picture of what looks like a pool of dark liquid, with light shimmering off its quasi-iridescent surface. A cloudy, faraway light can be seen, as well as ridged shapes resembling corals. An animation of a grainy map of the world. Originating from the Black Sea, an amorphous shape spreads across the map until it is entirely blank, before fading back to normal, blinking a few times, and repeating. A photo of two pillars of light ascending into the sky. Some kind of interconnected, many-faced, three-dimensional shape billows around them, illuminated by the glow. On the far right of the image, the shape fades away, and other repeating patterns are visible in the background. A collage of images, depicting a silhouetted person standing on a cliff overlooking a city. In the sky, digital static, and, prominently, a giant floppy disc with a single eye, can be seen. The city below is largely grey, with the exception of a large spire emanating green light. A collage of bits of text. On the left, a myriad of snippets from various popular websites can be seen, with little discernible correlation, and visible grain around the edges. On the right is a melange of scans, both printouts, most of which cover the topic of diet culture, and handwritted texts on notebook paper, taken from the lyrics of R.E.M.'s "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)". Covering the image, albeit transparent, a string of smiling emoji are superimposed. A lattice of angular orange shapes, in which a cityscape can be seen. Darkened leaves are visible around the edges of the image.

. Don't feed this into an AI, though.