Welcome to my site! At the moment, it's pretty much 100% under-construction, so check back sometime! It kind of sucks right now.
Haven't really had the time or motivation to work on it as of late, but I may or may not come back to it at some point.
(blinkies courtesy of
<- I made a thing you can add to your homepage!
<a href=""><img src="" alt="neocitiesdotneocities 88x31 badge." title="Come check out! Or don't, your choice."></a>
> | perennially distracted by Kingdom of Loathing | < |
I swear this thing worked when I left and now it does not. -->
What even.
What even.
Web design is so easy wait shit
...want something more? Fair enough, I guess. Check out these pages, if you really want, or take a look at Everything.